There are two important problems in anorthoscopic perception. The firs
t is how a sequence of parts of a figure viewed through a slit is inte
grated into a whole. The second is how the distortion of an anorthosco
pic image along the direction of its motion occurs. To answer the ques
tions, two experiments and two demonstrations were performed by concei
ving compound figures of one horizontal and one curvilinear component
and a method which permits seeing anorthoscopic and ordinary images at
the same time. From the results, the idea of anorthoscopic motion com
plementary to apparent motion is introduced as a crucial determinant t
hat permits an integration of the parts into a perception of the whole
. As regards the distortion of the percept we agree with Rock, et al.'
s 1987 assumption but also consider that the distortion depends on the
ratio of speed of anorthoscopic motion to real motion.