The catabolism of cytokinin in plant tissues appears to be due, in lar
ge part, to the activity of a specific enzyme, cytokinin oxidase. This
enzyme catalyses the oxidation of cytokinin substrates bearing unsatu
rated isoprenoid side chains, using molecular oxygen as the oxidant. I
n general, substrate specificity is highly conserved and cytokinin sub
strates bearing saturated or cyclic side chains do not serve as substr
ates for most cytokinin oxidases tested to date. Despite variation in
molecular properties of the enzyme from a number of higher plants, oxy
gen is always required for the reaction. Cytokinin oxidases from sever
al sources have been shown to be glycosylated. Cytokinin oxidase activ
ity appears to be universally inhibited by cytokinin-active urea deriv
atives. Auxin has been reported to act as an allosteric regulator whic
h increases activity of the enzyme. Cytokinin oxidase activity is subj
ect to tight regulation. Levels of the enzyme are controlled by a mech
anism sensitive to cytokinin supply. The up-regulation of cytokinin ox
idase expression in response to exogenous application of cytokinin sug
gests that the metabolic fate of exogenously applied cytokinins may no
t accurately mimic that of the endogenous compounds. Cytokinin oxidase
is believed to be a copper-containing amine oxidase (EC Con
siderable evidence strongly supports a common mechanism for amine oxid
ases. It is possible that advances in understanding of other amine oxi
dases could be extrapolated to increase our understanding of cytokinin
oxidase at the molecular level. This is discussed with reference to w
hat is currently known about the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme. Th
e possibility of pyrroloquinoline quinone, or a closely related compou
nd, as a redox cofactor of cytokinin oxidase is considered, as are the
implications of the glycosylated nature of the enzyme for its regulat
ion and compartmentalisation within the cell.