The structure of the Pt(100)-hex-R0.7-degrees constructed phase has be
en studied by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The hexagonal first
layer superstructure of this surface, written in matrix notation as (
N 1/-1 5), N = 12-14, was imaged with atomic resolution. The fivefold
periodicity of this reconstruction was confirmed. The coexistence of d
ifferently oriented hexagonal domains on a single terrace was observed
. Steps along the longer corrugation length of the surface reconstruct
ion were found, on the average, to follow the [N 1] direction of the h
exagonal Pt overlayer rather than any low-index direction of the squar
e substrate. The transition from the (N 1/-1 5) reconstruction to the
Pt(100)-(1 x 1) surface structure due to exposure to CO and O2 was fou
nd to be initiated by heterogeneous nucleation, the nucleation centers
being step edges and structural irregularities disrupting the hexagon
al structure along a direction close to the hexagonal [1BAR, 5] direct
ion. The growth of the (1 x 1) phase was highly anisotropic, i.e. the
growth being much faster along the [011BAR] direction (the substrate d
irection closer to the [N 1] direction of the hexagonal layer) than al
ong the [011] direction. A higher density of atoms in the hexagonal th
an in the (1 x 1) surface layer causes islands, a single Pt(100) latti
ce spacing high, to form during the structural transformation. These i
slands were found to be a mixture of isotropic islands with diameter 1
0-15 angstrom and islands highly elongated along the faster growth dir
ection of the (1 x 1) phase.