THE similarity of many patterns formed in non-equilibrium growth proce
sses in physics, chemistry and biology is conspicuous, and many attemp
ts have been made to discover common mechanisms underlying their forma
tion(1). A central question is what causes some patterns to be dendrit
ic (symmetrically branched, like snowflakes) and others fractal (rando
mly ramified). In general, the transition from fractal to dendritic gr
owth is regarded as a manifestation of the predominance of anisotropy
over random noise in the growth process. In electrochemical deposition
, this transition is observed as the growth speed is varied(2,3). Here
we report a crossover from fractal to dendritic growth in two dimensi
ons on the microscopic scale. We use the scanning tunnelling microscop
e to study diffusion-limited aggregation of silver atoms on a Pt(111)
surface. The transition occurs as the deposition flux is increased, an
d our observations suggest that the increasing importance of anisotrop
y of edge diffusion at higher flux is responsible for this crossover.
We anticipate that a similar phenomenon may operate in three-dimension
al crystal growth.