Although the elective induction of cardiac arrest for implantable defi
brillator insertion under general anesthesia is widely used, the hemod
ynamics of recovery of arterial blood pressure after cardiac arrest is
not well-defined. Accordingly, the time course of recovery of systoli
c arterial pressure was studied in seven patients during the repetitiv
e induction of ventricular fibrillation (n = 6) or ventricular flutter
(n = 1). The mean number of episodes of cardiac arrest was 7 +/- 2, a
nd the mean drop in systolic pressure was 84 +/- 16 mmHg. The mean rec
overy time for systolic pressure was 10 +/- 6 seconds, the average sys
tolic pressure recovery rate was 13 +/- 14 mmHg/sec, and the mean perc
ent systolic pressure recovery was 94 % +/- 9%. A negative logarithmic
relation was found to exist between the rate of systolic arterial pre
ssure recovery and the duration of ventricular fibrillation or flutter
with a correlation coefficient of 0.68 to 0.97 (P < 0.05) in five of
the seven patients. A linear relation between the time for systolic pr
essure recovery and duration of asystole was also defined. These resul
ts are consistent with the view that prolongation of ventricular fibri
llation or flutter increases the duration of arterial pressure recover
y through a negative effect on left ventricular contractility. Increas
ed understanding of these relations may lead to increased safety of im
plantable defibrillator insertion.