Interrelationships between arterial pressure (AP), physical performanc
e (PP) and arterial hypertension (AH) risk factors were studied in two
representative samples of hypertensive subjects using multivariate st
epwise regression analysis in the preexercise, exercise and postexerci
se periods and two exercise tests. Test 1 (standard continuous bicycle
ergometry) allowed PP estimation by the work performed and double pro
duct (HRmax x SAP/100 max). Test 2 (stepwise intermittent bicycle ergo
metry by PWC(x)) estimated PP according to a special formula. Test 1 i
s standard and therefore is able to provide significant diagnostic, pr
ognostic and rehabilitation information. Test 2 is standard only at it
s first step, while the second step varies with cardiovascular respons
e to the initial step. This is convenient for defenition of permissibl
e exercise dynamic control over exercising subjects, assessment of tra
ining efficacy in different regimens and programs. It is concluded tha
t both methods are fit for estimating relations between AP, PP and AH
risk factors in exercise and are comparable by the main parameters.