Three hundred and thirty two pregnant women who were attending three a
ntenatal clinics in Morogoro Municipality in Tanzania were followed in
their third trimester of pregnancy in a study which aimed at finding
if there was any association between weight gain in third trimester an
d birth weight of singleton deliveries. The relationship between weigh
t and gestational period, age of the mother, parity and maternal weigh
t near term were also studied. Univariate regression analysis showed t
hat there was a strong positive correlation between birth weight and g
estational period. Correlation was also found between birth weight and
age of the mother, parity and weight near term, while a week correlat
ion was found between birth weight and maternal weight gain in the thi
rd trimester. Multiple regression analysis showed that only the gestat
ion period and weight near term were independently related to birth we
ight. Despite low maternal weight gain, birth weight was not affected,
this shows that there might be some physiological adaptation which co
me into play to protect the foetus where a woman is subjected to inade
quate nutrition during pregnancy.