Increasingly, there is a need in both research and clinical practice t
o document and quantify sleep and waking behaviors in a comprehensive
manner. The Pittsburgh Sleep Diary (PghSD) is an instrument with separ
ate components to be completed at bedtime and waketime. Bedtime compon
ents relate to the events of the day preceding the sleep, waketime com
ponents to the sleep period just completed. Two-week PghSD data is pre
sented from 234 different subjects, comprising 96 healthy young middle
-aged controls, 37 older men, 44 older women, 29 young adult controls
and 28 sleep disorders patients in order to demonstrate the usefulness
, validity and reliability of various measures from the instrument. Co
mparisons are made with polysomnographic and actigraphic sleep measure
s, as well as personality and circadian type questionnaires. The instr
ument was shown to have sensitivity in detecting differences due to we
ekends, age, gender, personality and circadian type, and validity in a
greeing with actigraphic estimates of sleep timing and quality. Over a
12-31 month delay, PghSD measures of both sleep timing and sleep qual
ity showed correlations between 0.56 and 0.81 (n = 39, P < 0.001).