We analysed our patients in pediatric surgery from 1959 to 1990 in reg
ard to post-operative causes of death according to the Petren scheme.
''Post-operative infection'' as a cause of death dropped from 45% to 2
%, ''post-operative pneumonia'' from 10% to 4%. Death due to accompany
ing congenital defects has increased from 3% to 15%. The cause of deat
h ''main disease'' remained the same with 18%. Post-operative causes o
f death due to wrong diagnoses ranged at 2%, wrong treatment as cause
of death decreased from 18% to 4%. In the 41 years' range of our surve
y, 115,598 children were operated as in-patients. During the first 5-y
ear-period postoperative mortality was 2.2%, during the last 5-year-pe
riod 0.12%.