This paper analyzes the cascaded equivalent form of the minimum varian
ce distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer. A unique feature of the
modularized MVDR (M2VDR) beamformer is the ability to distribute adapt
ive degrees of freedom (DOF) among beamformer stages. This property of
the M2VDR beamformer allows DOF to be adapted over different time sca
les. As a consequence of the multiple stage decomposition adaptive bea
mformer weights appear in a form which suggest an apparent increase in
the number of DOF. To properly analyze this case an alternative inter
pretation of adaptive DOF is introduced to establish the equivalence b
etween the MVDR beamformer and its cascaded realization. In the second
part of this paper the distribution for the output power estimate of
a P stage M2VDR beamformer is derived. Analysis reveals the necessity
of placing constraints on the adaptation time assigned to each beamfor
mer stage. Simulation experiments are presented that demonstrate the a
pplicability of the M2VDR beamformer in resolving closely spaced sourc
es under impulsive interference conditions.