Chemical compositions of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from the Jinc
huan ultramafic intrusion have been obtained by electron microprobe an
alysis. The Mg' number (MgO/(MgO + FeO)) for both pyroxenes falls with
in narrow ranges, 82-87 for clinopyroxene and 81-85.5 for orthopyroxen
e, suggesting limited magma differentiation in regard to the present i
gneous body. The Al2O3 content ranges from 2.44 wt.% to 4.43 wt.% and
increases with decreasing Mg' of the pyroxenes, i.e., with the more ev
olved magma. This is attributed to the relatively greater effects of A
l2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 than that of SiO2 on pyroxene crystallizat
ion. Negative linear relationships between Ti4+ and Si4+, and Al3+ and
Si4+ characterize the pyroxenes. In clinopyroxene, regression of Si4 versus Al3+ results in a straight line with a slope of -1.012, indica
ting that the decrease of Si4+ in the crystal structure is matched by
an increase only in tetrahedral Al3+; octahedral Al3+ has remained rel
atively constant. The negative linear relationship between Ti4+ and Si
4+ in clinopyroxene reflects either a greater tendency of Ti4+ to occu
py octahedral sites than Al3+, or that replacement of Al3+ for Si4+ de
mands a more efficient charge balance. The scatter in plots of Ti4+ ve
rsus Si4+ for orthopyroxene indicates that charge balance is not as cr
itical as structure symmetry. The crystallization temperature of pyrox
ene is calculated to be 1108-1229-degrees-C using Wood and Banno's (19
73) two pyroxene thermometer, and is within 40-degrees-C of that calcu
lated from Wells's (1977) thermometer. The distribution coefficient (K
d) for Mg2+ and Fe2+ between clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene is estima
ted to be 0.86, which is higher than that of the other intrusions and
lower than that of mantle nodules, but still falls within their Kd-1/T
trend. This suggests that the Kd value of pyroxene is controlled main
ly by temperature.