We developed a method for measurement of the in situ tensions in the l
igaments of the palmar side of the wrist in cadaver specimens. The tec
hnique is based on deflecting the ligaments transversely (i.e., perpen
dicular to their longitudinal axis) using an instrumented probe. Based
on measurement of the load required to deflect the ligament, magnitud
e of the transverse deflection, and axial length of the ligament the a
xial tension in the ligament can be determined without otherwise distu
rbing it. The tensions in 8 palmar ligaments in 10 functional position
s of the wrist in each of 5 fresh cadaver specimens were assessed. The
position of the wrist was monitored, but the specimen was not loaded.
We concluded that (1) the palmar ligaments are in tension, even with
the wrist in neutral position and unloaded; (2) the following ligament
s act as passive stabilizers: in neutral the triquetrocapitate and dis
tal part of the radioscaphocapitate, in radial deviation the radioluna
te, in ulnar deviation the ulnolunate, in pronation the proximal part
of the radioscaphocapitate, in supination the ulnolunate, and in exten
sion the ulnolunate, radiolunate, and radioscaphocapitate; (3) in any
position some ligaments are in a state of greater tension than others.
The radiolunate, ulnolunate, radioscaphocapitate had the greatest ten
sion; and the lunotriquetral, trapeziocapitate, and scaphocapitate had
the least.