A graph is equitably k-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned in
to k independent sets of as near equal sizes as possible. Regarding a
non-null tree T as a bipartite graph T(X, Y), we show that T is equita
bly k-colorable if and only if (i) k greater-than-or-equal-to 2 when \
Absolute value of X - Absolute value of Y\ less-than-or-equal-to 1; (i
i) k greater-than-or-equal-to max{3, inverted right perpendicular(Abso
lute value of T + 1)/(alpha(T - N[upsilon]) + 2) inverted left perpend
icular} when \Absolute value of X - Absolute value of Y] > 1. In case
(ii), upsilon is an arbitrary vertex of maximum degree in T and the nu
mber alpha(T-N[upsilon]) denotes the independence number of the subgra
ph of T obtained by deleting upsilon and all its adjacent vertices. (C
) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.