We study the problem of computing the probability for the time of arri
val of a quantum particle at a given spatial position. We consider a s
olution to this problem based on the spectral decomposition of the par
ticle's (Heisenberg) state into the eigenstates of a suitable operator
, which we denote as the ''time-of-arrival'' operator. We discuss the
general properties of this operator. We construct the operator explici
tly in the simple case of a free nonrelativistic particle and compare
the probabilities it yields with the ones estimated indirectly in term
s of the flux of the Schrodinger current. We derive a well-defined unc
ertainty relation between time of arrival and energy; this result show
s that the well-known arguments against the existence of such a relati
on can be circumvented. Finally, we define a ''time representation'' o
f the quantum mechanics of a free particle, in which the time of arriv
al is diagonal. Our results suggest that, contrary to what is commonly
assumed, quantum mechanics exhibits a hidden equivalence between inde
pendent (time) and dependent (position) variables, analogous to the on
e revealed by the parametrized formalism in classical mechanics.