Although many binary heavy rare-earth alloy systems have been studied
extensively, there has been little work reported on the Dy-Lu system.
The properties of single-crystal DyxLu1-x films grown by molecular bea
m epitaxy are reported. SQUID magnetometer and neutron diffraction mea
surements on samples with x=0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 show that the samples or
der helimagnetically with Neel temperatures of T(N)=90, 105, and 120 K
, respectively. The helical turn angle was mapped as a function of tem
perature for each of the three alloys. Magnetic x-ray scattering, the
first in an alloy, was observed at the (002)+/- positions at 15 and 60
K in the x=0.4 sample using resonant exchange scattering of synchrotr
on radiation at the Dy L(III) edge.