La-139 nuclear quadrupole resonance and relaxation measurements, aimed
at the study of static magnetic properties and of the dynamical gener
alized susceptibility in La2Cu1-xZnxO4, upon substitution of Zn2+ (S =
0) for Cu2+ (S = 1/2) inducing a spin vacancy in the antiferromagneti
c matrix, are presented. From the doublet resulting from the mixed Zee
man-quadrupolar eigenstates, it is shown how the sublattice magnetizat
ion is only slightly x dependent, while its temperature dependence cha
nges with respect to pure La2CuO4. The relaxation rates show moderate
(compared to the case of itinerant spin vacancies, as in La2-xSrxCuO4)
effects, which are related to the decrease of the correlation length
and to the modifications induced in the spin-wave spectrum.