Compartment syndromes in athletes are rare, but they can also be limb-
threatening events. Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) is
a less emergent form where symptoms recur with repetitive loading or e
xertional activities. CECS is the most common form of compartment synd
rome seen in athletes. Acute compartment syndromes may also occur in a
thletes secondary to direct trauma or may develop from pre-existing CE
Cs. The leg is by far the most common site of compartment syndrome in
athletes. The thigh, forearm, and foot are the next most common sites,
although any fascially limited compartment can be affected. Awareness
of the clinical presentation and pathophysiology of compartment syndr
omes can help the examiner make a prompt and accurate diagnosis. The t
reatment of acute compartment syndrome is emergent while the treatment
of CECS is not. Conservative treatment and rehabilitation can be succ
essful in treating CECS. Acute compartment syndromes must be treated i
mmediately with surgical decompression. With CECS, if conservative tre
atment fails, surgical decompression is also indicated. Some authors h
ave suggested that the results of surgical fasciotomy and rate of retu
rn to sport for athletes with CECS has not been uniform. If the diagno
sis is accurate and carefully documented, a high degree of success wit
h athletes returning to sport can be expected.