Properties of irradiated starches have been outlined in this review. G
amma-radiation generates free radicals on starch molecules which cause
changes in starch properties. The intensity of free radicals is depen
dent upon starch moisture content, and temperature and duration of sto
rage. Increasing dosages of gamma-irradiation creates increasing inten
sities of free radicals on carbohydrates. These free radicals are resp
onsible for bringing about molecular changes and fragmentation of star
ch molecules. Increasing gamma-irradiation dosages cause an increase i
n acidity, and decreases in viscosity and water solubility of starches
. The granule structure remains visually undamaged at low dosages of i
rradiation, but may suffer severe damage at higher dosages (100 kGy).
Safety of irradiated foods continues to remain a subject of public con
cern. Studies have shown that irradiated foods are toxicologically and
chemically safe for human consumption. Irradiation of starchy foods c
an be controlled to bring about required changes beneficial to the ind
ustry, and at the same time provide wholesome food to the consumers.