Collagen IV is the main collagenous component localized in the trophob
last and glomerular basement membrane. Serum collagen V reflects degra
dation of basement membrane collagen. In this study, we measured colla
gen IV levels in maternal serum, umbilical cord serum and amniotic flu
id, both from preeclamptic and normal pregnant women, by radioimmunoas
say. The serum collagen IV levels in the preeclamptic group were signi
ficantly (p < 0.05) higher than those in the normal pregnant group. Th
e amniotic fluid collagen IV level at term was found to be higher than
maternal serum collagen IV. We postulate that collagen TV may have an
important role in the maintenance of pregnancy. There was a significa
nt positive correlation between maternal serum collagen IV levels and
serum laminin levels. There was no significant correlation between mat
ernal serum collagen IV level and blood pressure, urinary protein conc
entration, or any other laboratory data. These results suggest that th
ere is early damage of endothelial cells in preeclampsia.