A compound may be ''developmentally neurotoxic'' because it interferes
with a metabolic step exclusively or preferentially expressed during
development in a particular class of neural cells. The initial metabol
ic specificity is often complicated by: (1) secondary responses in the
affected cells, (2) involvement of other functionally-related cell ty
pes, and (3) the presence of compensatory and/or regenerative response
s. In this context we study tellurium, which systemically blocks chole
sterol biosynthesis at the squalene epoxidase step. Because of the hig
h demand in developing peripheral nerves for newly synthesized cholest
erol required for myelin assembly, this metabolic block leads to demye
lination of the sciatic nerve. This insult is confounded by the fact t
hat the myelin-forming Schwann cells do not upregulate their cholester
ol biosynthetic pathway. This is contrary to expectations; liver (the
main source of cholesterol for many tissues outside the nervous system
) upregulates synthesis of cholesterol and overcomes the metabolic blo
ck. The shortage of cholesterol in Sch wann cells results in an immedi
ate secondary response down-regulation of steady-state mRNA levels for
specific myelin proteins. Remyelination occurs after cessation of tel
lurium exposure. Th is model of primary demyelination allows study of
Schwann-cell specific responses during the processes of myelin breakdo
wn and subsequent steps leading to remyelination, without the complica
tions of axonal degeneration and regeneration. Because tellurium speci
fically blocks the synthesis of a major required membrane component, i
t is also well suited for examining the coordinate control of membrane
synthesis and assembly at the genomic level. (C) 1994 Intox Press, In