A protocol for efficient electrotransformation of Streptococcus agalac
tiae (group B streptococcus) Lancefield's strain O90R (NTCT 9993) (an
unencapsulated derivative of type Ia strain O90) was developed. The Es
cherichia coli-Streptococcus shuttle vector pDP28 (7.8 kb) carrying th
e ermB gene for resistance to erythromycin was used as donor DNA. Froz
en 'electrocompetent' cells were prepared by repeated washes in 10% gl
ycerol. A 50-mu l aliquot containing about 5 X 10(9) colony forming un
its of bacteria was subjected to the electric pulse. Optimal condition
s for electrotransformation were determined using different media, har
vesting cells at different points of the growth curve, and using diffe
rent field strengths. The dose-response curve for transformation of S.
agalactiae with pDP28 showed one-hit kinetics as donor DNA varied bet
ween 0.01 and 3 mu g. The efficiency of electrotransformation for this
range of amounts of donor DNA was 1.2 x 10(4) cfu mu g(-1). The trans
formation frequencies obtained with this electroporation protocol are
high enough to allow both subcloning and shotgun cloning of streptococ
cal DNA in S. agalactiae.