The characteristic form and development of sensory disturbances during
migraine auras suggests that the underlying mechanism is a disturbanc
e of the cerebral cortex, probably the cortical spreading depression (
CSD) of Leao. The demonstration of unique changes of brain bloodflow d
uring attacks of migraine with aura, which have been replicated in ani
mal experiments during CSD, constitutes another important line of supp
ort for the 'spreading depression' theory, which may be a key to an un
derstanding of the migraine attack. Cortical spreading depression is a
short-lasting depolarization wave that moves across the cortex at a r
ate of 3-5 mm/min. A brief phase of excitation heralds the reaction wh
ich is immediately followed by prolonged nerve cell depression synchro
nously with a dramatic failure of brain ion homeostasis, efflux of exc
itatory amino acids from nerve cells and enhanced energy metabolism. R
ecent experimental work has shown that CSD in the neocortex of a varie
ty of species including man is dependent on activation of a single rec
eptor, the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, one of the three subtypes of
glutamate receptors. The combined experimental and clinical studies p
oint to fruitful areas in which to look for migraine treatments of the
future and provide a framework within which important aspects of the
migraine attack can be modelled.