1. Net photosynthesis and dark respiration of apple trees were measure
d in a tree chamber in situ over two years. 2.The diurnal course of CO
2 exchange of a three-year-old apple tree with 5,03 m2 leaf area showe
d maximum net photosynthesis of 140 mmol CO2 . tree-1 . h-1 in August
and maximum dark respiration of 30 mmol CO2 . tree-1 . h-1. 3. During
the annual course net photosynthesis and dark respiration peaked at 27
to 34 mol CO2 or 6.8 mol CO2 . tree-1 . month-1, between July and Sep
tember. 4. Maximum carbon assimilation was 23 to 25 mol CO2 . month-1
. tree-1 in August. 5. Net photosynthesis and dark respiration of the
fruiting exceeded that of the non-fruiting tree by ca. two-fold from J
une to August. 6. Trunk and branches respired 0.2 to 0.6 mol CO2 . mon
th-1 . tree-1 in winter.