Milk yield arid composition from three distinct milkings (spring, Augu
st, and fall) were evaluated on first-cross and backcross cows maintai
ned under two contrasting environments. The dam crosses at Brandon (se
mi-intensive cultivated pasture management) were HA, SN, CN, ACA, CCA,
ASA, SSA, HCH, CCH, HSH, SSH, NCN, CCN, NSN, and SSN with H = Herefor
d, A = Angus, N = Shorthorn, C = Charolais, S = Simmental and a SSA cr
oss was 3/4 Simmental-1/4 Angus. At Manyberries (semi-arid and short g
rass rangeland) the dam crosses were HA, SN, ASA, SSA, HSH SSH, NSN, a
nd SSN. All cows were bred to Limousin bulls and milkings took place f
rom 1981 to 1985, inclusive. Definitive differences among the backcros
ses and between the backcrosses and the F1 crosses were not present. P
ossible genotupe x environment interactins were observed for milk yiel
d and composition. Milk yield arid composition were affected by age of
cow and influenced cow and calf weight changes.