The configuration of a total quality culture by means of holistic inte
ntions, derived from the conceptual idea known as systems approach, mi
ght seem to be quite a desirable purpose. However, in recent years, du
e to a certain disappointment that has arisen from the limited results
obtained from this kind of idealized intentions and to the ever-growi
ng number of unexpected side effects produced by technological actions
carried out with the support of such sort of programs, it has been ne
cessary to realize, that in practice Total Quality Intentions will be
impossible tasks unless they are conceived and designed once and again
as relative possibilities, implemented heuristically, accordingly to
the conditions and circumstances that characterize every particular te
chnological situation, by means of gradual approximations towards tota
l quality. Such a possibility can be developed using a peculiar instru
ment, an intellectual one, which comes into existence through the util
ization of three intellectual tools: systems thinking, cybernetic inte
rpretation and synergetic endeavor; apparently inherent to man's natur