K. Byard et D. Ramsden, CODED-APERTURE IMAGING USING IMPERFECT DETECTOR SYSTEMS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 342(2-3), 1994, pp. 600-608
The imaging properties of a gamma-ray telescope which employs a coded
aperture in conjunction with a modular detection plane has been invest
igated. Gaps in the detection plane, which arise as a consequence of t
he design of the position sensitive detector used, produce artifacts i
n the deconvolved images which reduce the signal to noise ratio for th
e detection of point sources. The application of an iterative image pr
ocessing algorithm is shown to restore the image quality to that expec
ted from an ideal detector. The efficiency of image processing has ena
bled its subsequent application to a general coded aperture system in
order to gain a significant improvement in the field of view without c
ompromising the angular resolution.