The effect of key shape on a touchscreen simulation of a flat touch-se
nsitive keypad was investigated by rapid prototyping. A software proto
type was developed of a hardware keypad that controlled chemical analy
sis equipment. The prototype was used to answer some basic ergonomics
questions concerning the design of the device keys. In a target select
ion task, keys shaped as equilateral triangles were most precise, and
least precise was a compound shape comprising of a rectangular lower p
art and a triangular 'hat' as the upper part. No significant differenc
es in the times taken to complete the task were found. It is suggested
that the use of a touchscreen prototype is suitable when designing fl
at-keypad layouts. Due to the visual nature of flat keypad use, where
perception of the target must counter reduced tactile feedback, the de
sign of shapes to aid the selection of keys is of paramount importance
. It is concluded that rapid prototyping of hardware with graphical de
signs and touchscreens is a powerful tool for the ergonomic design of
interfaces. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.