A new discretization of the transport equation for two-dimensional tra
nsport is introduced. The scheme is two time level, shape preserving,
and solves the transport equation in flux form. It uses an upwind-bias
ed stencil of points. To ameliorate the very restrictive constraint on
the length of the time step appearing with a regular (equiangular) gr
id near the pole (generated by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy restriction
), the scheme is generalized to work on a reduced grid. Application on
the reduced grid allows a much longer time step to be used. The metho
d is applied to the test of advection of a coherent structure by solid
body rotation on the sphere over the poles. The scheme is shown to be
as accurate as current semi-Lagrangian algorithms and is inherently c
onservative. Tests that use operator splitting in its simplest form (w
here the 2D transport operator is approximated by applying a sequence
of ID operators for a nondivergent flow field) reveal large errors com
pared to the proposed unsplit scheme and suggest that the divergence c
ompensation term ought to be included in split formulations in this co
mputational geometry.