Relational database systems have been very successful in meeting the n
eeds of today's commercial applications. However, emerging application
s in disciplines such as engineering design are now generating new req
uirements for database functionality and performance. This paper descr
ibes a set of extensions to relational database technology, designed t
o meet the requirements of the new generation of applications. These e
xtensions include a rich and extensible type subsystem that is tightly
integrated into the Structured Query Language (SOL), a rules subsyste
m to enforce global database semantics, and a variety of performance e
nhancements. Many of the extensions described here have been prototype
d at the IBM Database Technology Institute and in research projects at
the IBM Almaden Research Center in order to demonstrate their feasibi
lity and to validate their design. Furthermore, many of these extensio
ns are now under consideration as part of the evolving American Nation
al Standards Institute/International Organization for Standardization
(ANSI/ISO) standard for the SOL database language.