Most RNA virus populations exhibit extremely high mutation frequencies
which generate complex, genetically heterogeneous populations referre
d to as quasispecies. Previous work has shown that when a large spectr
um of the quasispecies is transferred, natural selection operates, lea
ding to elimination of noncompetitive (inferior) genomes and rapid gai
ns in fitness. However, whenever the population is repeatedly reduced
to a single virion, variable declines in fitness occur as predicted by
the Muller's ratchet hypothesis. Here, we quantitated the fitness of
98 subclones isolated from an RNA virus clonal population. We found a
normal distribution around a lower fitness, with the average subclone
being less fit than the parental clonal population. This finding demon
strates the phenotypic diversity in RNA virus populations and shows th
at, as expected, a large fraction of mutations generated during virus
replication is deleterious, This clarifies the operation of Muller's r
atchet and illustrates why a large number of virions must be transferr
ed for rapid fitness gains to occur. We also found that repeated genet
ic bottleneck passages can cause irregular stochastic declines in fitn
ess, emphasizing again the phenotypic heterogeneity present in RNA vir
us populations. Finally, we found that following only 60 h of selectio
n (15 passages in which virus yields were harvested after 4 h), RNA vi
rus populations can undergo a 250% average increase in fitness, even o
n a host cell type to which they were already well adapted. This is a
remarkable ability; in population biology, even a much lower fitness g
ain (e.g., 1 to 2%) can represent a highly significant reproductive ad
vantage. We discuss the biological implications of these findings for
the natural transmission and pathogenesis of RNA viruses.