The authors present data describing the level and extent of the genera
l public's knowledge of oral diseases and their prevention. They discu
ss data from the 1990 National Health Interview Survey's Health Promot
ion and Disease Prevention Supplement in the context of national oral
health objectives. They focus on demographic and socioeconomic differe
nces seen in the public's knowledge of the preventive purposes of fluo
rides and dental sealants for dental caries and of symptoms of gum dis
ease. Reported low levels of knowledge regarding oral disease symptoms
and their prevention show the continuing trend reported during the pa
st decade. Racial and ethnic minorities and groups with low levels of
formal education demonstrate the least knowledge of prevention of oral
diseases. For example, 76 percent of those with more than 12 years of
schooling know the preventive purpose of water fluoridation, compared
with 61 percent of those with 12 years, and 36 percent of those with
less than 12 years of school. Efforts to increase levels of knowledge
about oral disease prevention are required to achieve national objecti
ves for oral health.