The seed germination behaviour of Primula veris and Trollius europaeus
, both perennial, polycarpic grassland plants was compared. The specie
s have similar-sized seeds that are dormant at dispersal. Seeds buried
in soil and exhumed at regular intervals showed that for both species
, primary seed dormancy was overcome by cold-stratification. Hence, th
eir germination in the field should occur in spring, following dispers
al, or later. Seeds of P. veris became dormant again in the late sprin
g/early summer, and dormancy was broken again in the second winter. Se
eds of T. europaeus did not exhibit such changes in dormancy. Seeds of
P. veris did not germinate in darkness. This suggests that P. veris c
an accumulate a persistent seed bank because buried seeds are prevente
d from germinating. Trollius europaeus, on the other hand, germinated
equally well in darkness and in light which suggests that seeds might
germinate even when they are too deep in the soil for seedlings to eme
rge. Two lines of evidence confirm this difference in seed bank behavi
our: (i) Primula veris was detected in the persistent seed bank of a g
rassland site, whereas T. europaeus was not. (ii) After 16 months buri
al, 85% of the P. veris seeds but only 8% of the T. europaeus seeds re
mained viable.