1. We have developed a 16-compartment model that reproduces most of th
e features of the CA1 pyramidal cell electrophysiology observed experi
mentally. The model was constructed using seven active ionic conductan
ces: g(Na), g(Ca), g(DR), g(CT), g(A), g(M), and g(AHP) whose kinetics
have been inferred, in most cases, from the available voltage-clamp d
ata obtained from these cells. We focussed the simulation on the initi
al and late accommodation, the slow depolarization potential and the s
pike broadening during repetitive firing, because their mechanisms are
not well understood. 2. Current-clamp records were reproduced by iter
ative adjustments to the ionic maximum conductances, scaling and/or ''
reshaping'' of the gates' time constant within the experimental voltag
e-clamp data, and shifting the position of the steady-state gate openi
ng. The final properties of the ionic channels were not significantly
different from the voltage-clamp experiments. 3. The resulting model r
eproduces all four after-potentials that have been recorded to follow
activation of the cell. The fast, medium, and slow after-hyperpolariza
tion potentials (AHPs) were, respectively, generated by I-CT, I-M, and
I-AHP. Furthermore, the model suggests that the mechanisms underlying
the depolarization after potential (DAP) is mostly due to passive rec
harging of the soma by the dendrites. 4. The model also reproduces mos
t of the firing features experimentally observed during injection of l
ong current pulses. Model responses showed a small initial decrease in
the firing frequency during a slow underlying depolarization potentia
l, followed by a more significant frequency decrease. Moreover, a grad
ual broadening of the action potential and loss of the fast AHP were a
lso observed during the initial high-frequency firing, followed, as th
e firing frequency decreased, by a gradual recovery of the spikes' ori
ginal width and fast AHP amplitude increase. 5. A large reduction of t
he K repolarizing current was required to reproduce the spike broadeni
ng and reduction of the fast AHP experimentally observed in CA1 cells
during repetitive firing responses. The incorporation of a transient C
a- and voltage-dependent K current (I-CT) into the model successfully
reproduced these experimental observations. In contrast, we were unabl
e to reproduce this phenomenon when a large persistent Ca- and voltage
-dependent K current (generally named I-C) was included in the model.
These results suggest that there is a strong contribution to action-po
tential repolarization and fast AHP by a transient Ca- and voltage-dep
endent K current (I-CT). 6. The two accommodation steps were induced b
y a progressively enlargement of two K currents I-M (initial) and I-AH
P (late). In contrast, spike broadening was induced by the reduction o
f the K current I-CT. The increase of I-M and I-AHP did not significan
tly increase action-potential repolarization because they are small. H
owever, these small currents persisted between action potentials and w
ere able to decrease the firing frequency. A reduction of I-CT decreas
ed significantly the repolarization of the action potentials without s
ignificantly affecting the firing frequency because I-CT is large but
deactivates rapidly between consecutive spikes.