The specification of the R7 photoreceptor cell fate in the developing
eye of Drosophila depends on the local activation of the sevenless (se
v) receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) by boss, a protein expressed on the
membrane of the neighboring R8 cell. Constitutive activation of the se
v receptor results in a dosage dependent increase in the number of R7
cells per ommatidium. Genetic screens have been used to identify mutat
ions that alter the efficiency of signal transduction. Subsequent mole
cular characterization of the corresponding genes has led to the ident
ification of a number of proteins involved in transducing the signal f
rom the receptor to the nucleus. In contrast to the receptor and its l
igand, these components are shared between different signal transducti
on pathways not only in Drosophila but homologous components are also
involved in signal transduction in other organisms.