The management of migraine usually centers on two approaches: preventi
ve and abortive therapy. Preventive therapy, designed to reduce the fr
equency, duration, and intensity of attacks, can be accomplished throu
gh a wide variety of medications. The most commonly used are beta-bloc
kers, but calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants,
and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents have all been used with succ
ess. Agents used in abortive migraine therapy treat the intensity and
duration of pain, as well as the associated symptoms. New treatment op
tions have been developed, including such newly approved medications a
s sumatriptan. Sumatriptan is a very effective agent that has joined t
he ranks of other effective abortive migraine treatments, such as ergo
tamine, dihydroergotamine, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
as well as narcotic analgesics. New delivery systems, such as the nasa
l-spray formulation of butorphanol, allow for a route of administratio
n previously unavailable to migraine sufferers. These new and developi
ng treatment modalities will give physicians a wider choice of outpati
ent therapy options.