Eddy-current inversion is the process whereby the geometry of a flaw i
n a metal is derived from electromagnetic probe measurements. An inver
sion scheme is described for finding the shape and size of cracks from
eddy-current probe impedance measurements. The approach is based on a
n optimization scheme that seeks to minimize a global error function q
uantifying the difference between predicted and observed probe impedan
ces. The error minimum is sought using a standard descent algorithm th
at requires a knowledge of the gradient of the error with respect to a
variation of the flaw geometry. Computation of the gradient is based
on a provisional flaw estimate, then the flaw estimate is updated in a
''direction'' that reduces the error. The process continues iterative
ly until a convergence criterion has been satisfied. Then the final fl
aw estimate should match the shape of the real defect. An equation for
the gradient has been derived using an integral formulation of the id
eal crack problem. Numerical estimates of the error gradient and the p
robe impedances have been calculated using approximations based on the
moment method. Tests of the inversion scheme using single frequency p
robe impedance measurements have been carried out by calculating the s
hapes of narrow slots in aluminum alloy plates. Good agreement is foun
d between the optimum profiles and the measured slot shapes.