Human P-glycoprotein (Pgp) encoded by the MDR1 gene confers multidrug
resistance to cancel cells. The clinical role of MDR1/Pgp in lung canc
er is not fully understood. A total of 87 lung cancel surgical tissue
samples, including previously untreated 84 non-small-cell (NSCLC) and
three small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), were analyzed for levels of MD
R1 mRNA deter-mined by Northern blotting and compared with MDR1-positi
ve cell lines. Fifteen per cent (13/87) of the armors were positive fo
r the MDR1 gene, but the level was low in all samples except in one ad
enocarcinoma which expressed a high level of MDR1. The gene expression
in these tumors did not relate with any pathologic factors such as hi
stologic type, pathologic stage and tumor size. The SCLC and only one
of the 14 MDR1-negative NSCLC responded to adjuvant chemotherapy after
surgery. The present results indicate that the MDR1 gene is not assoc
iated in NSCLC with tumor progression and drug resistance.