Recently a distinct spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia (SEMD) was report
ed in three members of a Jewish family. We present a 3.5-year-old Mexi
can boy with disproportionate short stature, peculiar face, short neck
, small chest, abdominal distension, lumbar lordosis, short limbs, mar
ked genua vara, and joint laxity. Roentgenologic findings include shor
t long bones, wide and hared metaphyses with irregularities, delayed e
piphyseal ossification, platyspondyly and morphological changes of ver
tebral bodies and fibular overgrowth. The striking resemblance of this
patient to those previously reported confirms this form of SEMD as a
distinct entity. Autosomal recessive inheritance is supported and the
designation SEMD Shohat type is proposed. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.