Objective: To estimate the prevalence of diabetes in the Maltese Islan
ds from data regarding drug consumption, and to assess the prescribing
habits and management attitudes of local doctors. Methodology: The pr
escribed average daily dose of each type of anti-diabetic drug was cal
culated from random representative samples of patients (total 1,444) a
ttending the Health Department's primary and secondary health centres
as well as of patients seeing their private practitioners. This consti
tuted circa 16% of the total estimated number of diabetics on drug the
rapy in Malta. The quantities of drugs consumed were obtained both fro
m Government and private industry sources, whilst relevant data on the
rapy modalities, including proportions of patients on st combination o
f anti-diabetic preparations, were obtained from records held at the D
ept. of Health. Results: Applying the appropriate formulae (as propose
d by Eurodiab. subarea C 1989 programme) the global prevalence of diab
etes worked out to be 5.22%, an underestimate of circa 12% of the figu
re extrapolated from the recent population based epidemiological studi
es. Overall 51% of cases were treated with 'diet only', whilst less th
an 10% of subjects were managed with insulin. Compared to patients att
ending the better staffed and equipped health centres, those seeing th
eir private physicians were proportionately less frequently put on ins
ulin (5.7% vs 11.7%), and were prescribed a slightly higher mean daily
dose (1.7 vs. 1.4 tab) of glibenclamide suggesting the need of better
education of the patient (and probably also of the physician). Conclu
sion: This type of study proved to be relatively simple and inexpensiv
e to perform. Although it cannot replace epidemiological field surveys
it can still give a reasonably fair (albeit with limitations) estimat
e of diabetes prevalence in a population. Moreover it permits an impor
tant insight into local public health indicating ways to improve diabe
tes care.