We have used the squid giant synapse to determine the role of synaptob
revin, integral membrane proteins of small synaptic vesicles, in neuro
transmitter release. The sequence of squid synaptobrevin, deduced by c
DNA cloning, is 65%-68% identical to mammalian isoforms and includes t
he conserved cleavage site for tetanus and botulinum B toxins. Injecti
on of either toxin into squid nerve terminals caused a slow, irreversi
ble inhibition of release without affecting the Ca2+ signal which trig
gers release. Microinjection of a recombinant protein corresponding to
the cytoplasmic domain of synaptobrevin produced a more rapid and rev
ersible inhibition of release, whereas two smaller peptide fragments w
ere without effect. Electron microscopy of tetanus-injected terminals
revealed an increased number of both docked and undocked synaptic vesi
cles. These data indicate that synaptobrevin participates in neurotran
smitter release at a step between vesicle docking and fusion.