Js. Mccartney et al., CENTRAL AUDITORY PROCESSING IN SCHOOL-AGE-CHILDREN PRENATALLY EXPOSEDTO CIGARETTE-SMOKE, Neurotoxicology and teratology, 16(3), 1994, pp. 269-276
One hundred and ten, 6- to 11-year-old children from a low-risk, predo
minantly middle class sample who are participants in an ongoing longit
udinal drug study were assessed using a central auditory processing ta
sk (SCAN) that made perceptual rather than linguistic demands. Materna
l smoking during pregnancy was linearly associated with poorer perform
ance on the overall SCAN and, particularly, the Competing Words subtes
t which may be an indication of the child's auditory maturation. The s
ignificant associations remained after adjusting for other drug use, d
emographic variables, and passive smoke exposure both during pregnancy
and postnatally. The child's recent second-hand smoke exposure was ev
aluated by a parental questionnaire and by urine cotinine assay. Neith
er prenatal nor postnatal passive smoke exposure was statistically sig
nificantly associated with the SCAN results. However, among the childr
en of nonsmokers, passive smoke exposure resulted in average scores si
milar to those of the prenatal light smoking group. The findings are d
iscussed in relation to earlier observations that have reported an ass
ociation between smoking during pregnancy and altered functioning in t
he offspring.