The SEM electron channelling technique has been used to investigate th
e dynamic recrystallization of three quartz grains representative of o
ptical textures observed in quartzite deformed under greenschist facie
s conditions. The degree of recrystallization has been determined at 1
0-20, approximately 50 and 100%, respectively. We demonstrate that dyn
amic recrystallization is a sequential process involving subgrain-grai
n rotation and grain-boundary migration. It initiates via subgrain pol
ygonization on a single crystal slip system, and continues via subgrai
n and neoblast rotation on several slip systems. In the early stages o
f recrystallization (< 50%), the orientation relationships between sub
grains-neoblasts and parent grains are systematic and are related to t
he dominantly active crystal slip systems. Beyond approximately 50% re
crystallization, orientation relationships are less systematic and thi
s is attributed to an increase in the activity of grain-boundary migra
tion. However, dynamic recrystallization is potentially a cyclical pro
cess with new subgrains forming within migrational neoblasts due to co
ntinued deformation. The three sequences represent different stages in
the same continuous, time- or strain-dependent, dynamic recrystalliza
tion history. They therefore combine to give a generalized dynamic rec
rystallization history for greenschist facies quartz grains at low to
moderate strains. Porphyroclasts have similar recrystallization histor
ies because the original bimodal grain size distribution leads to stra
in partitioning, allowing the porphyroclasts to rotate into weak orien
tations with the subsequent activation of weak crystal slip systems.