The 1.13-km-diameter Pretoria Saltpan impact crater is located about 4
0 km NNW of Pretoria, South Africa. The crater is situated in 2.05 Ga
old Nebo granite of the Bushveld Complex that is locally intruded by a
bout 1.3 Ga old volcanic rocks. In 1988, a borehole was drilled in the
center of the crater. At depths >90 m, breccias were found that conta
ined minerals with characteristic shock-metamorphic features, thus con
firming the impact origin of the crater. Fragments of impact glass wer
e recovered from the melt breccias and several hundred sub-millimeter-
sized glass fragments were subjected to fission track analysis. The me
asurements were complicated by the inhomogeneous composition of the im
pact glasses, but analysis of a large number of tracks yielded an age
of 220 +/- 52 ka for the Saltpan