Mean lives and branching ratios for the 4s S-3(1)o and 4s'' P-3(1.2)o
levels of neutral sulfur were determined at the Toledo Heavy Ion Accel
erator using beam-foil spectroscopic techniques. The mean lives obtain
ed for the 4s S-3(1)o, 4s'' P-3(1)o, and 4s'' P-3(2)o levels, 1.875 +/
- 0.094 ns, 2.034 +/- 0.102 ns, and 2.146 +/- 0.129 ns, respectively,
represent the most accurate results available to date. Oscillator stre
ngths for the transitions 3p4 P-3(2, 1, 0)-4s S-3(1)o and 3p4 P-3(2, 1
, 0)-4s'' P-3(1, 2)o were derived from these mean lives together with
the measured branching ratios. For comparison with published results w
hich present only multiplet f-values, such f-values were computed from
the measured individual line oscillator strengths. The value obtained
for the 3p4 P-3-4s S-30 multiplet at 1814 angstrom is 0.088 +/- 0.005
, in good agreement with the mean of previous experimental measurement
s and theoretical calculations. With the mean life for the 4s'' P-3(0)
o level set equal to the mean of our determination for the other two 4
s'' P-3o levels (a valid assumption for LS coupling conditions, and co
nsistent with the observed equality of the mean lives within the accur
acy of our measurement), an oscillator strength for the 1299 angstrom
multiplet of 0.121 +/- 0.004 was found. Both results are in good agree
ment with recent large-scale theoretical calculations that incorporate
the effects of configuration interaction.