Dengue virus infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality i
n tropical and subtropical areas of the world. The immunopathological
mechanisms that result in severe complications of dengue virus infecti
on, i.e. dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), are important to determine. P
rimary dengue virus infections induce serotype-specific and serotype-c
ross-reactive, CD4+ and CD8+ memory cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In
secondary infections with a virus of a different serotype from that wh
ich caused primary infections, the presence of cross-reactive non-neut
ralizing antibodies results in an increased number of infected monocyt
es by dengue virus - antibody complexes. This in turn results in marke
d activation of serotype cross-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ memory CTL. We h
ypothesize that the rapid release of cytokines and chemical mediators
caused by T cell activation and by CTL-mediated lysis of dengue virus-
infected monocytes triggers the plasma leakage and hemorrhage that occ
urs in DHF.