The effect of the semiclassical approximation on the spectra of billia
rds is investigated within the context of the boundary integral method
(BIM) by studying, analytically and numerically, the changes in indiv
idual eigenvalues when an asymptotic approximation to the kernel of th
e BIM is used. A general formula for the shift in an eigenvalue is der
ived and then applied to the circle billiard where the semiclassical s
hift between the exact and semiclassical spectra is shown to approach
a constant. It is then evaluated approximately for chaotic billiards,
again showing how the semiclassical shift to be expected has a constan
t average behaviour. In this case though, the appearence of periodic o
rbits is shown (in an appendix) to impose fluctuations around the aver
age behaviour. The numerical application of the BIM introduces numeric
al errors into the eigenvalues found. A general formula is derived and
shown to reduce to the correct result for the circle billiard. It is
also tested against two chaotic billiards, although only limited concl
usions can be made. Again, both theory and computations imply a consta
nt off-set dressed with fluctuations. The principal conclusion is that
die semiclassical approximation leads to errors of O(h2BAR) with a co
efficient of order 0.01, and hence it provides a very good approximati
on to the exact spectrum for a biliard. The opposite conclusion of Pro
sen and Robnik is explained away in terms of states affected by causti
cs, which do not affect chaotic billiards. Bogomolny's kernel and disc
retization procedure are also tested, and while the semiclassical shif
ts are similar, the numerical errors are such as to make the spectrum
unrecognizable from the real axis when the discretization is done in p
osition space.