Although opossums of the Family Didelphidae usually serve as a parsimo
nious starting point for tracing the otological and neurological evolu
tion of modern mammals, audiological data for Didelphid opossums is av
ailable only for the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) whi
ch because of its large size, may be one of the least representative g
enera of the family. The present report extends the audiological data
to two other species of Didelphid opossums, Monodelphis domestica, and
Marmosa elegans. At 60 dB SPL, the hearing of Monodelphis extends fro
m 3.6 kHz to 77 kHz, with a range of best sensitivity from 8 to 64 kHz
while the hearing of Marmosa extends from 3.8 kHz to 80 kHz, with a r
ange of best sensitivity from 8 to 64 kHz. Neither species was found t
o be particularly sensitive to tones, with the average lowest threshol
d near 20 dB SPL for Monodelphis and 33 dB SPL for Marmosa. These resu
lts indicate that like the North American opossum both genera are sens
itive to high frequencies yet relatively insensitive to sound. Because
the hearing of the three genera of Didelphids agree in several respec
ts, it can be concluded that sensitivity to high frequencies almost ce
rtainly was present in ancient mammals, probably following quickly aft
er the acquisition of a 3 ossicle middle ear linkage. It is not unlike
ly that the utility value of high frequency hearing, rather than highl
y sensitive hearing, may have been a primary source of selective press
ure for this morphological transformation.