The present study has investigated ear and hearing problems in 44 wome
n with Turner's syndrome (median age 45.5 years). Social hearing probl
ems were common after the age of 40 and 27% were fitted with hearing a
ids. Audiograms revealed a hearing loss > 20 dB hearing level (HL) in
91% leading to clinically significant hearing problems in 60%. A disti
nct dip in the 1.5 kHz frequency range, with a mean value of 46 dB was
found in 30 women. The occurrence of the dip was correlated to the ka
ryotype. All women with the karyotype 45,X and 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) demonst
rated this dip while in the 45,X/46,XX group it was found in 31%. No d
ips were found among 45,X/46,XY and 45,X/46,XX/47,XXX women. With incr
easing age a progressive high frequency hearing loss was added to the
dip leading to severe hearing problems earlier in the Turner women tha
n age-matched controls. This might be due to a genetic defect leading
to premature ageing of their hearing organ. These data emphasize the i
mportance of providing early information to Turner girls of their pred
isposition to hearing impairment. Patient awareness of importance of a
udiological evaluations and the benefit of hearing aids should be stre