The 1S-2S two-photon transition in atomic hydrogen is resolved to DELT
Anu/nu = 1.1 x 10(-11).The transition frequency is compared to a refer
ence frequency derived from an infrared CH4-stabilized helium-neon las
er at 88 THz with a phase-locked laser frequency chain. The helium-neo
n laser is compared to the microwave cesium standard with the help of
another phase-locked frequency chain. With our optical frequency measu
rement, not limited by the I2-stabilized helium-neon laser standard at
633 nm, we found a 1S-2S transition frequency of 2466061413.182(45) M
Hz with an 18-fold improved accuracy. A value of the Rydberg constant,
R(infinity) = 109 737.315 684 6(41) cm-1, is deduced.