This paper outlines different production strategies for farming Arctic
char Salvelinus alpinus in Norway. Economics and marketing are also d
iscussed. Based on recent results, the use of wild Arctic char for smo
lt production may represent an alternative to intensive smolt producti
on. In addition, the effects on the remaining wild fish populations of
intensively harvesting small char are positive. The first experiments
with sea ranching of anadromous Arctic char in northern Norway show h
igh survival and return rates after the first summer in sea. Arctic ch
ar forced to stay in seawater during winter experience high mortality
and reduced growth. Problems attributed to low seawater tolerance in w
inter might be reduced by supplying freshwater, or by transferring the
fish to brackish or freshwater. The relatively small Arctic char cann
ot compete in traditional markets with Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and
rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Further commercial development of
Arctic char culture depends on marketing the species as a high-quality
exclusive product.